Rachel Jones

I'm a Bible teacher, writer, editor and theology student, based in south west London.
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Here are some of the books I've written, all published with The Good Book Company.

Sometimes I write at other places, including Evangelicals Now and The Gospel Coalition.


Hi, I'm Rachel. I'm the author of Is This It?, A Brief Theology of Periods (Yes, Really), The Quiet Time Kickstart, and more. I edit books at The Good Book Company, study theology at Oak Hill College, and love being part of my local church here in South West London. I'm a serial hobbyist who will try most things once, and enjoy cooking, eating and seeing friends—ideally all at the same time.

Contact and Speaking requests

I love teaching the Bible! Over the years have delivered seminars at conferences including Word Alive, Keswick and Co-Mission's Revive, as well as a range of women's and student events for local groups and churches. If you'd like to invite me to speak at an event you're planning, or just want to say hi, please get in touch below.